/ #Bloodborne #save-modded 

All the false depth save modded dungeon CHEAT Glyph cheatsheet

Hello, It’s Wojtek again. Thank you for all your support for such a small gaming site these 3 years. It’s been a ride. I didn’t earn anything from this site and did it just for fun.

I am consider to take content creating a bit more serious and I have a chance to be a regular contributor and editor recently on a site called Nipponhashi.com .

I might come back here someday if it doesn’t work out, revamping the site, or maybe creating a more sophisticated one. Who knows. Farewell for now and I hopefully seeing you guys there.

I am moving this popular bloodborne false depth save modded dungeon CHEAT Glyph cheatsheet to there.

Get back my favourite bloodborne false depth save modded dungeon CHEAT Glyph cheatsheet here



Wojtek, The author of Imitation Metagame